

How to have fun with(and learn about) shapes

Most children love shapes. A baby will push shapes through a hole. It is a good idea to teach children about shapes when they are young. Here are a few good ideas which you can use. 

Potato Prints

This is a popular classic method. You need a number of potatoes to make the shapes. As well as potatoes, you must have a blunt knife, paints, paper and paper towels. Cut your potatoes into half and make sure you have a flat surface on either side. Let your child blot the potatoes to remove as much of the moistness as possible. 

Then, draw a shape on the potato using a pencil. Next, cut out the shape with a blunt knife. Pour some paint into a plate or saucer. Dip your potato into the paint and start printing. See what your child can make using their printers. Or, you can use the printers to make up trees or flowers.

Circle Printing

You will need a number of objects to make a circle. Suitable items include cardboard tubes, plastic cups and corks. Again, you need paints, a plate or saucer and some white paper.  Let your daughter/son print circles all over the paper. Encourage her/him to make circles of different sizes and colours. 

Chalking Shapes

You will need chalk. Ask your child to draw shapes outdoors. Also, you could play some shape games. One popular one is where you could have your child name a shape. If you want to, you could take pictures of the shapes for future reference. 

Shape Books

Lots of books have shapes in them. The ones I would recommend for three/four year olds are My Very First Book of Shapes, Pop Up Shapes and Book 1 Ship Shapes. The books were written by Richard Scarry, Eric Carle and Stella Blackstone. I also recommend the Mr Men books.

Sorting Shapes

Get a number of shapes and lay them on a table. Ask your child to sort the items according to size or colour. You could do a variation where your daughter/son names the shapes. 

Other activities

These include shape hunt, colouring shapes, teddies hat and shape spotter.

If readers have any other ideas, feel free to share them. Disclaimer all ideas were taken from Netmums fun with shapes article. But, this post does not copy the article. 

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